Welcome to my archive of Liberal Democrat general election manifestos.

Text-only versions of past manifestos are widely available online for all the parties, but they miss out two key pieces of information. First, the design and layout choices made in putting a manifesto together. How much emphasis was given to a particular policy? What was the style in which the party was presenting itself? Such questions can only be fully answered if you see the manifesto as it was intended to be seen, not stripped down to uniform streams of text of uniform appearance. Second, the main general election manifesto itself is usually but one of a mini-ecosystem of documents, with other relevant information – such as the policy costings – often in separate documents.

Hence this archive presents not only the designed version of Liberal Democrat general election manifestos, but also the other associated relevant documents, such as the manifesto costing documents. If you have copies of any other documents which are worth adding and are not yet listed below, please do get in touch.

For more on the party’s beliefs, see What do the Liberal Democrats believe? and for more on the party’s policies see my Liberal Democrat Policy Papers Archive.

2024 general election manifestos

2019 general election manifestos

2017 general election manifestos

2015 general election manifestos

2010 general election manifestos

2005 general election manifestos

2001 general election manifestos

1997 general election manifestos

1992 general election manifestos

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